What to Expect During Your First Chiropractic Appointment

If you have never been to a chiropractor, you are probably unsure what to expect during your first appointment. This post provides a good idea of what typically occurs on your initial visit.

What Happens During My First Chiropractic Appointment?

Intake Form

Aside from general information about yourself, the intake form allows you to communicate your health history and any medical concerns. We will delve deeper into this during your initial consultation.

View our complete intake form

Initial Consultation

This typically involves discussing your medical history, including current and past health concerns and lifestyle factors such as exercise, diet, and stress levels. We will then discuss your specific symptoms, including the location and intensity of any pain.

Physical Examination

We will conduct orthopedic and neurological assessments to evaluate musculoskeletal and nervous system function. We will then perform a postural analysis to identify any potential misalignments or imbalances, followed by a range of motion tests to assess flexibility and mobility.

doctor pointing to medical forms with a pen, sitting across from a patient

Diagnostic Imaging (if necessary)

Direct digital X-rays or other diagnostic tests may be recommended to provide a more detailed view of the spine or affected areas. At Merckling Family Chiropractic, we conveniently have an X-ray imaging machine in our office, enabling us to provide immediate feedback.

Chiropractic Treatment

Based on the initial consultation, examination, and diagnostics, we will perform the chiropractic treatment methods most beneficial to your individual needs. As a patient-centered practice, we will never implement any forms of chiropractic care you are not entirely comfortable with. We specialize in various spinal health services, including:

  • Chiropractic adjustments
  • Flexion and distraction
  • Mechanical traction
  • Low-level laser therapy
  • Therapeutic ultrasound
  • Electric stim therapy
  • Cold/ice therapy
  • Heat therapy
  • Webster technique for prenatal back pain
back view of female hiker on top of a mountain holding her hands up in accomplishment

Education and Recommendations

  • Explanation of the chiropractic diagnosis and proposed treatment plan moving forward.
  • Discussion of lifestyle modifications, exercises, and ergonomic changes that may support overall well-being.

Follow-Up Plan

  • Discussion of the recommended frequency of visits and duration of the treatment plan.
  • Scheduling of follow-up appointments for ongoing care.

Open Communication and Feedback

At Merckling Family Chiropractic, we emphasize patient comfort throughout your first appointment and all follow-up sessions. Additionally, we provide a welcoming atmosphere that encourages open communication about how you feel during and after your treatment.

You can always feel free to ask questions or express any concerns you may have. Serving the Long Island community for over 20 years, we have earned the trust of families and individuals throughout Suffolk County.

Contact us today to schedule your first chiropractic appointment.

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