Treating TMJ With Chiropractic Therapy

Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) causes different forms of pain and can also restrict the movement of your jaw. Fortunately, certain chiropractic treatment methods have been proven to help relieve the pain associated with TMJ.

How Can Chiropractic Therapy Help Treat TMJ?

To treat TMJ, chiropractic therapy helps to balance the jaw muscles, decreasing the pressure on the joint and articular disc. At Merckling Family Chiropractic, we can also help reinforce proper movement patterns by teaching you therapeutic exercises to practice.

female lying in bed experiencing jaw pain

Relieving Pain Safely and Effectively

Chiropractic therapy can help you avoid the need for invasive surgeries, alleviating your pain naturally. Contact us today to schedule an appointment or if you’d like to learn more about all of the chiropractic services we offer.

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