Combating Back Pain In the Office

Spending long hours sitting at the office can take a toll on your back. Thankfully, there are many simple ways to reduce back pain and stay pain-free throughout your workday.

How Can You Manage Back Pain In The Office? 

Mind Your Posture 

Good posture reduces strain on your back muscles and spine. Always sit upright with your back aligned against the chair, shoulders relaxed, and feet flat on the floor. 

Use A Footrest

A footrest can make a massive difference if your feet can’t reach the floor or you feel pressure on the back of your legs. It helps you maintain proper alignment and circulation, reducing stress on your lower back.


Take Frequent Breaks

Sitting for hours is one of the most common causes of back pain. Make it a habit to stand, stretch, or take a walk every hour. Doing this regularly will relieve muscle tension and boost your energy throughout the day.

Position Your Monitor At Eye Level

A misaligned monitor can cause you to lean forward or look down, straining your back and neck. To promote a healthier posture, keep your monitor at eye level and about arm’s length away.

Stretch Regularly

Incorporate simple stretches into your daily routine to keep your back muscles flexible and strong. Shoulder shrugs, neck rotations, and gentle forward bends are all simple exercises you can do from the comfort of your desk.

Adjust Your Chair

An ergonomic chair or seat cushion is crucial to keeping your spine in good shape. Adjust your chair so your knees are at or slightly below hip level, and ensure your lower back is supported. 

woman with back pain while working

Treat Your Back Pain With Personalized Treatment

At Merckling Family Chiropractic, we offer personalized treatment plans to reduce your back pain and give you a sense of relief. Contact us for more information about our services or to schedule your first consultation today. 

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