How Chiropractic Care Can Help After Surgery

Everyone’s post-surgery situation is different – but one thing is for sure – chiropractic care combined with a physical rehab program can make a significant difference in the healing process.

Chiropractors are trained in rehabilitation techniques, including soft-tissue mobilization to help decrease scar tissue build-up after surgery. They utilize different methods to help restore motion in the body and reduce pain after surgery. Chiropractors will use low-force techniques on people who have surgical hardware in their spine and will also re-teach the body to function properly through therapeutic exercises.


Techniques Chiropractors Use After Surgery

Break down collagen: Chiropractors use a special instrument-based technique called the Graston technique to break up the collagen formation that can bind together with tissues causing adhesions, which can limit the range of motion.

Boost blood flow: After surgery, tissues require easy access to blood flow so they can receive the oxygen and nutrients they need for the healing process. Chiropractors use spinal adjustments to help increase blood flow so that there are no barriers to blood circulation.

Increase cellular activity: Stretching exercises lengthen and loosen the tissues to feed more blood and oxygen to the cells, which is especially important after surgery. Chiropractic care increases overall cell activity and reproduction to create new tissue to help the body heal.


Visiting a chiropractor after surgery will help you heal and get back on your feet faster. Contact Merckling Family Chiropractor at (631) 286-2300 to schedule an appointment.

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