The Two Primary Types of Posture

Maintaining proper posture helps prevent dealing with unnecessary neck and back pains in the future. There are two primary types of posture, and each of them has its own set of best practices to follow.

Static Posture

Static posture is your posture when still; the posture being used when standing, sitting, or sleeping. The most common bad practices pertaining to static posture relate to sitting at your desk and standing while looking down at your phone. You should always try to keep your chin level and your shoulder blades turned toward each other, lifting your breastbone.

Dynamic Posture

Dynamic posture is your posture when in motion; the posture being used when walking, exercising, or during any other physical activity. Try and remember not to slouch when walking, keeping your feet about should width apart. At Merckling Family Chiropractic, we can customize a pair of Foot Levelers orthotics for you which will help ease the burden on your back throughout the day.

man at desk experiencing back pain

Preventing and Alleviating Neck and Back Pain

Chiropractic therapy has been proven to aid in the prevention and relief of many forms of neck and back pain caused by poor posture. Contact us today to schedule an appointment so we can help you heal naturally.

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